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Security Chimneys Establishes Google+ and LinkedIn Presence

Security Chimneys Establishes Google+ and LinkedIn Presence
Jan 3, 2014
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We have introduced Google+ and LinkedIn to our online identity in an effort to enhance our customer service experience. Keeping in line with our objectives, our company recognizes the need to cultivate quality relationships in order to develop quality products. We hope that by establishing a presence on social media, we will continue to foster a customer-centered environment. Our company’s main goal is to open the lines of communication with our customers in order to inform them of what is being done to meet their needs.

We intend on keeping our followers informed with up-to-date industry news, insightful articles, trade tips and tricks, growing industry trends, and upcoming events. By following us on our profiles, customers will also be aware of any recent developments to our product offerings and advances in technology.

Follow us on Google+ at our business page, and on LinkedIn at our company profile.